
MEDIA Sheva, New Weekly Newsletters by Pagine Ebraiche

shevaBy Ada Treves

Sheva, seven, as the seven days of the week. It is under this new common name that the weekly newsletters produced by the editorial staff of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) reach their readers. …

MEDIA A Step forward for Melamed

Schermata 2016-01-10 alle 17.23.39By Ada Treves

Part of the wide offer that the staff of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities produces every day, the weekly newsletter “melamed” – dedicated to education and schools – is taking another step forward. Melamed has been …

MEDIA Toscanini in the spotlight on Pagine Ebraiche

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The sound of courage, the sound of freedom are celebrated in the new issue of Pagine Ebraiche. January’s special section is devoted to the orchestra conductor Arturo Toscanini.

Famous worldwide, Toscanini refused to lean to Fascist dictatorship …

MEDIA Girls on DafDaf: Terrible, Smart and Honest

DDBy Ada Treves

Pippi Longstocking’s braids have turned into brushes in the cover by Luisa Valenti, an animage that captures the spirit of DafDaf number 63. Sixteen pages of books, music, ideas, projects and a great desire to smile …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche Celebrates a Year of Courage

PEBy Rachel Silvera

Pagine Ebraiche celebrates a year of courage. A few weeks after the terrorist attacks of November 13 and almost a year from the assaults on Charlie Hebdo and Hyercacher, the December issue of Pagine Ebraicha is devoted …

MEDIA DafDaf: White Ravens, Migrants and the Meaning of “Home”

DDBy Ada Treves

The cover of the November issue of DafDaf is an explicit homage to yet another success of a friend of the Jewish magazine for kids: the image, in fact, is from “La voliera d’oro”, published in Italy …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche, a Month for Heroes

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The new issue of Pagine Ebraiche features many heroes.
The special section, devoted to Comics & Jews is edited by Ada Treves. It introduces the readers to people like Joann Sfar, the cartoonist of “The Rabbi’s Cat”, …

MEDIA Nostalgia and Colors in the new issue of DafDaf

DDBy Ada Treves

Nostalgia is the opening theme of the October issue of DafDaf, the Jewish magazine for kids, where the long Summer days are the subject of Luisa Valenti’s illustration for the cover. But sadness is not destined to …

MEDIA New Year Wishes on Pagine Ebraiche

PEBy Rossella Tercatin

Fifteen Italian rabbis explain their hopes and wishes for the new Jewish year in the October issue of Pagine Ebraiche. The President of the Italian Rabbinical Assembly, rav Giuseppe Momigliano, pointed out his concern for “the situations …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche, Looking Back at 5775

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The September issue of Pagine Ebraiche looks back at the year 5775, which is about to end (Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New year falls on September 13). 5775 has been a difficult year, marked by bloody terrorist …