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Remembrance and Judaism

By Angelica Edna Calò Livne

In January and during the Pesach, on the day chosen by Israel to commemorate the Holocaust and Heroism, we think about the horrors of the Shoah more than ever. The pictures, the memories, the stories …

Antisemitism is always bad

By Gadi Polacco

“Right on Holocaust Remembrance Day’s week”, has been frequently remarked when commenting on the details of the physical and verbal aggression recently inflicted on a 12 years old Jewish boy in the province of Livorno by two …

Stamira Square

By Alberto Cavaglion*

Of all the port cities of Italy, where lively communities flourished, Ancona is the least studied, although just like Trieste, Livorno, Venezia, it is filled with Jewish memories. Who knows if in the synagogue of Ancona …

Wannsee’s 90 minutes

By David Bidussa*

When someone argues that democracy is a slow regime that does not decide, this still image comes to my mind. Wannsee, 20 January 1942 (80 years ago next Thursday): in 90 minutes – the duration of …

Liliana and the prisoners

By Anna Foa*

A short passage on the prison of S. Vittore in Milan taken from the dialogue between Marta Cartabia and Liliana Segre after their visit to the Shoah Memorial. An extraordinary text that should be read in …

Foreign year

By Anna Linda Callow*

There are many ways to say in Ivrit (Hebrew) the non-Jewish year that just ended. I knew shanà misharit, commercial year, and shanà ezrahit, calendar year, but today I came upon the expression shanà lo’azit, …

Félicitations à tout prix

By Anna Segre

Si aujourd’hui est l’anniversaire d’A et non l’anniversaire de B, on suppose que B souhaite bon anniversaire à A, et non l’inverse. Il serait absurde pour A de prétendre à tout prix souhaiter bon anniversaire à B …

Une question réelle et ouverte

By Gadi Polacco

“Season’s Greeting”, comme l’explique l’Oxford English Dictionary, est une expression sur laquelle je suis tombé lorsqu’il y a plusieurs années j’ai commencé à travailler dans le domaine de la construction navale, par nécessité et vocation internationale. C’est …

“Sprezzatura” and yiddishkeit

By Gabriel Spiegel*

Growing up in a modern orthodox Jewish home, my family and I would go to synagogue every sabbath. In our community, the level of attire for shul could be simply described as business casual to business …