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Honour your father

By Alberto Cavaglion*

There is something tragic or better noble, in Maria Laura Rodotà’s refusal: “My father was a southerner illuminist, and he would have super vaccinated. He listened politely to idiots but did not love them”. Apart from …

The false good things of Fascism

By Dario Calimani

To Ernesto Galli Della Loggia, according to whom saying that Fascism has ‘also done good things’ would be a self-evident truth, we can recommend the careful and rigorous pages of Francesco Filippi, Mussolini ha fatto anche cose …

American couples tying the knot in Italy

By Samantha Brenner*

Picture this: the waves of the warm Mediterranean waters crashing ashore, as the groom steps on the ceremonial glass underneath a floral chuppah, and the guests break into a joyous shout of “Mazel Tov!”. These images …

Fear of freedom

By David Bidussa*

“Man believes he wants freedom. He actually has a great fear of it because it forces him to make decisions”. So Erich Fromm in Escape from Freedom. It is 1941. Fromm is on the other side of …

A false digital identity

By Anna Segre

How many of the few good things arisen or grown as a result of the pandemic are destined to remain and how many will return to their exact previous state? Unfortunately there are several not-so-encouraging signs: traffic …


Par Alberto Cavaglion*

J’avoue que je n’ai jamais aimé les productions de Roberto Calasso, tandis que j’ai toujours apprécié son nez dans le domaine éditorial. J’étais impressionné par le jugement satyrique de Cases dans son œuvre “Che cosa fai …

Against fascist tourism

By Roberto Jona

“Fascist delirium in Predappio”. So, correctly, the Italian daily La Stampa defined the recent actions that happened in Predappio and the city’s situation (last week hundreds congregated in Predappio, the birthplace of Mussolini, to commemorate the 99th …

Opening the archives

By Gadi Luzzatto Voghera*

Our country confronts itself with history in a somehow reticent way, especially when history does not follow a reassuring mainstream of widely-shared and lesser-problematic narration. The overwhelming effort met when discussing the idea of a museum …


By David Bidussa*

“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit”. Everything changes, but nothing is really lost, writes the poet Ovid in his The Metamorphoses (Book XV, line 165). It is a verse that expresses bewilderment when reality suddenly becomes incomprehensible but yet …