NEWS Historian Bensoussan addresses Italian government’s working group for the fight against antisemitism

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

Prominent French historian Georges Bensoussan addressed Italian government’s working group for the fight against antisemitism last week.

“Anti-Semitism today no longer takes the form of a conflict between ‘races’, but of the clash between Zionists and anti-Zionists. The heart of the matter, however, is the same. The cause of humanity’s misfortunes used to be ‘the Jew’ while today, also by virtue of being the pillar of world Judaism, it is the State of Israel,” he explained.

The scholar was invited by the national coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism Milena Santerini and the working group in her support recently formed at Palazzo Chigi.

Among those who spoke before the group also Felix Klein, the German government’s commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism, Vittorio Rizzi, president of the Observatory for security against discriminatory police acts, Ruth Dureghello, president of the Jewish Community of Rome and criminal lawyer Roberto De Vita.