The EJC meets Italy on Instagram

“Did you know that the European Jewish Congress has ongoing collaboration with its 41 affiliated Jewish communities? Today, we meet the Jewish Community of Italy. UCEI @ucei_it is Italy’s Jewish umbrella organization and the country’s EJC affiliate”.
So begins the presentation of Jewish Italy on the European Jewish Congress Instagram account @eurojewcong. Through seven images, basic information is introduced to the readers: the role of UCEI and of its president Noemi Di Segni, the Jewish presence on the territory, and some curiosities.
One of the images shows the Mole Antonelliana located in Turin, which was originally conceived and constructed as a synagogue and now houses the National Museum of Cinema. For the category Jewish personality, the choice fell on the famous painter and sculptor Amedeo Modigliani in the centennial of his death. Other affiliates to European Jewish Congress, from Gibraltar to Hungary, can be explored on Instagram under the hashtag #EJCommunities.