
FEATURES Designing Fashion Inspired by Torah and Vogue

frockBy Rachel Silvera

Chaya and Simi are two brilliant and funny girls. Born and bred in Sidney (Australia), they are the daughters of a local rabbi. In a conversation with Pagine Ebraiche, they explained how they wanted to find a …

FEATURES June 4, 1944: a Picture

June4By Adam Smulevich

In the December issue, Pagine Ebraiche presents its readers with an unpublished picture of extraordinary symbolic value. The picture portrays Aron Colub, the American soldier who broke the seals placed by the Nazis on the synagogue of …

FEATURES From Paris to Rome, A Vessel That Overcomes the Storm

vesselBy Francesca Matalon

“Fluctuat nec mergitur”, Tossed but not sunk: it is the motto of Paris, referring to its symbol, a ship sailing through a stormy sea. But the same symbol represents Paris in the sky of the twinned city …

BOOKS Katja, a Powerful Encounter

katjaBy Ada Treves

It is truly impossible to explain the complexity and the profound humanity of Katja Petrowskaja, recent winner of yet another price, that of the Adei-Wizo, the Italian Association of Jewish Women, part of the Women’s International Zionist …

FEATURES Focus on the Refugee Crisis

refugeesBy Daniel Reichel

“You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt,” (Exodus 23:9). The biblical ethic urges us to welcome foreigners but on the other …

FEATURES Greece, the Jewish Community and the Crisis

By Francesca MatalonGREECE

“Greek Jews are coping with the crisis in the exact same way as every other Greek citizens do: we anxiously stand in line at ATMs to withdraw fifty euros a day and are concerned about our future …

BOOKS Inside and Outside the Ghetto

ghettoBy Rachel Silvera

“Dentro e fuori dal Ghetto” (“Inside and Outside the Ghetto” published by Mondadori Education), the new book written by Micol Ferrara, professor of Jewish studies at the BA offered by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI), …

CULTURE Israeli Cartoons on the Bay

cartoonsBy Ada Treves

The satisfaction and joy of the delegation representing Israeli animation in Venice, for Cartoons on the Bay were already great, but the official closing ceremony had one more surprise: the Pulcinella Award for the “Best educational and …

EXHIBITIONS In Turin, Ancient Jewish Books on Display

pedemontanaBy Francesca Matalon

The collection of Hebrew books of the National Library of Turin are on display in the exhibition “Judaica Pedemontana” and is being shown to the public for the first time.
The exhibition organized and promoted by the …