
HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE – Across Europe 100,000 Stolpersteine combat hatred

When asked about his Stolpersteine, the stumbling stones scattered throughout Europe, the German artist Gunter Demnig quotes the Talmud: “A person is not forgotten until his name is”. For over thirty years now, he has been committed to commemorate individuals …

Italy, a surge of hatred after October 7 massacre

“The effects of the massacres carried out by Hamas on October 7 are causing the largest wave of antisemitism in Italy in 40 years”. The complaint comes from the last report by the Observatory on antisemitism of the Foundation Jewish …

CULTURE – The book and the books, a history of Jewish Italy

“Civil wars among the Jews were never fought with the sword, but with the pen,” Abraham B. Yehoshua argued years ago in Ferrara. During the conference “Am Ha Sefer – The People of the book. Readers and bibliophiles in Jewish …

Israelis between two narratives and PTSD

Terror and empathy. These are the two emotions that Hamas, since the massacres of October 7, has been trying to spread with its videos through public opinion. “Hamas terrorists talk to two different worlds. With the videos of the massacres, …

The survey: more Italians side with Israel than in the past

17% of Italians are “closer to the Israeli community”, while 14% are “closer to the Palestinian community.” 34% express closeness to “both”, while 22% “to neither.” 13% choose not to take a side. These figures, among others, come from the …

The heroism of Ilay, a Juventus and Maccabi teams’ fan

“I won’t leave her. I need to protect her. I’ll stay here to protect her and the State of Israel. Whatever happens, I won’t leave her alone”. Until the very last moment, Ilay Bar Sadeh stood by Naama Boni’s side. …

Los italianos en Auschwitz, se ha vuelto a abrir el Memorial

En ocasión del ochenta aniversario de la caída del fascismo y de la detención de Mussolini, en Florencia se ha vuelto a abrir el Memorial de los Italianos en Auschwitz, que a partir de 2016 había sido transferido a los …

ESCOLA – Como explicar o horror às crianças

Contar para os mais jovens o que aconteceu em Israel é uma tarefa delicada. Queremos protegê-los da brutalidade das ações dos terroristas de Hamas, mas não podemos evitar a questão do conflito. Especialmente nas escolas judaicas, onde a conexão direta …

Elèna Mortara : “L’Enlèvement, un film nécessaire”

Elèna Mortara n’est pas seulement arrière-petite-fille d’Edgardo. Elle est aussi l’auteure du livre Writing for Justice : Victor Séjour, the Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, and the Age of Transatlantic Emancipations, un texte fondamental pour comprendre l’affaire Mortara dans un cadre …