SPORTS Remembering Davide Astori

astoriBy Pagine Ebraiche Staff*

He was an athlete of great worth and respectability, but also a man with solid values. The football world is in shock with the sudden death of Davide Astori, team captain of ACF Fiorentina and defender of Italian national team. He played 14 matches with the national team and had been part of Florence football team since the summer of 2015.

Astori also backed several awareness-raising initiatives in the field of topics with major social impact, such as Holocaust Remembrance.

Last January, with his teammates, he symbolically cut a piece of barbed wire in memory of who lost his life in a death camp. In the same vein, after the horrible provocation of a group of Lazio football team supporters, outraged by the idiocy of the ultras, in October he read a piece of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

“What happened can’t be undone, but we can prevent it to happen again”, these are the words he pronounced in a widely famous video message.

In the aftermath, the Viola Club in Tel Aviv after Astori unanimously decided to name itself after Astori.

Translated by Ilaria Vozza, student at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of Trieste University, intern at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities.