
KULTUR «Deutschland soll das von den Nazis gestohlene Gemälde zurückgeben»

huysumPagine Ebraiche staff

«Ein Aufruf an Deutschland für 2019: Wir wünschen, dass dieses Jahr die berühmte Vase mit Blumen des niederländischen Malers Jan van Huysum den Uffizien von Florenz zurückgegeben wird. Das Gemälde wurde während dem Zweiten Weltkrieg von den …

CULTURE Jewish Sports in 1938: an Exhibition in Venice

veniceBy Pagine Ebraiche Staff

Many are the stories of Jewish sports heroes whose careers and often lives were brought to an end when there were the Anti-Jewish laws in Italy in 1938. Few of them somehow managed to keep practising …

NEWS Florence, Tuscany and Yad Vashem A protocol for remembrance

toscaba yad vashemBy Pagine Ebraiche staff*

A memorandum of understanding was signed by the World Holocaust Remembrance Center of Jerusalem, the University of Florence and Tuscany’s education authority at Yad Vashem last week. Among the goals is a better knowledge of the …

CULTURE Milan, l’art pour construire notre avenir

memoriaPagine Ebraiche staff

L’art pour la Mémoire, pour rappeler la douleur mais aussi pour laisser un message positif de reconstruction et résilience. Voilà quelques-unes des suggestions avancées par cette exposition appelée “Souvenirs Futurs 4.0 : ce qui se trouve au …

FOCUS ON ANTI-SEMITISM Prejudice, a risk for democracy

Juliane WetzelBy Ada Treves*

Historian Juliane Wetzel’s office is on the ninth floor of the Technische Universität, Berlin’s Institute of Technology, in a glass skyscraper overlooking Ernst-Reuter Platz. The room is bright and full of books. Right in front of one …

CULTURE A Centre for Dialogue and Coexistence

Tagliani, Della Seta, CaroBy Alain Elkann*

Simonetta Della Seta is the Director of the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS) in Ferrara.

Simonetta Della Seta you were appointed Director of MEIS in June 2016. Can you describe the museum for

SPORTS Remembering Davide Astori

astoriBy Pagine Ebraiche Staff*

He was an athlete of great worth and respectability, but also a man with solid values. The football world is in shock with the sudden death of Davide Astori, team captain of ACF Fiorentina and defender …

NEWS “Portrait of an Old Rabbi” in the Spotlight at Uffizi

IMG-20180218-WA0003-790x474By Pagine Ebraiche staff

“Portrait of an Old Rabbi”, a masterpiece by Rembrandt, has been placed at the center of the new branch of the world famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

“It is among the most relevant pieces of our …