
MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche, Looking Back at 5775

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The September issue of Pagine Ebraiche looks back at the year 5775, which is about to end (Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New year falls on September 13). 5775 has been a difficult year, marked by bloody terrorist …

MEDIA DafDaf, Imagination and a Gift

RobriddaBy Roberta Bridda*

In the Summer, every year, the pages of DafDaf are particularly playful, and this month the Jewish magazine for kids has received an unexpected gift: Roberta Bridda, an Italian illustrator who lives and works in Barcelona

MEDIA Summertime with DafDaf

DDBy Ada Treves

A cover as fresh as sea waters opens DafDaf, the third and last number of the summer series. The illustration, as usual by Luisa Valenti, has been thought out to give kids the possibility to complete the …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche: Milan in the Spotlight

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The August issue of Pagine Ebraiche opens with a focus on education.

The Italian Minister of Education, University and Research Stefania Giannini visited Israel accompanied by the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Renzo Gattegna. …

MEDIA Five Internships, a Success

PEint 150719 tirocinantiBy Ada Treves

The smile of five students in Trieste, last week, marked the success of the new project launched by the newsroom of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities. Five are in fact the candidates for the internship …

MEDIA DafDaf, Colors for the Summer

DDBy Ada Treves

Summer, holidays, vacation… long days to fill. So, young readers, fill your sketch-book with ideas and colours, it will be a joy and a thing of beauty. That is the idea conveyed by the cover of the …

MEDIA From the Golem to Harry Potter. Magic in the Jewish Perspective

By Rachel SilveraPE

The July issue of Pagine Ebraiche was published at the end of last week. The monthly Special section is devoted to magic in the Jewish perspective, from the Golem to Harry Potter.

Inside the section, professor Gideon …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche: Elections and Economics

PEBy Rachel Silvera

On June 14, the Jewish Community of Rome will go to the polls with four presidential candidates, three of them women. The June edition of Pagine Ebraiche offers a special preview with programs, goals and ideas of …

MEDIA Pagine Ebraiche Honors Rabbi Toaff

PEBy Rachel Silvera

The new issue of Pagine Ebraiche is dedicated to the late Rabbi Elio Toaff, one of the most important rabbis of Italian Jewry, who passed away few weeks ago.
Pagine Ebraiche collected some of the memories of …

MEDIA A Month with DafDaf: Wild Things, Boats and Cartoons

DDBy Ada Treves

Readers of DafDaf know that Spring is the season when the pages of the Jewish magazine for kids are devoted to books, with even more attention than normal. Not only the regular pages by the writer Nadia …