
FEATURES Arts and Resilience at the Venice Biennale  

biennaleBy Francesca Matalon
Resilience is the central theme of this year’s exhibition at the Israel Pavilion at the Biennale in Venice, called “LifeObject: Merging Architecture and Biology.” The exhibition explores the relation between architecture and biology. The Biennale is a …

FEATURES Milan, a Diverse Jewish Community

milan guastallaBy Francesca Matalon

It is time for celebrations for the Jewish Community of Milan. The year 2016 marks the 150th anniversary since its foundation. The following article is the second installment of a two-part series devoted to the history and …

FEATURES The Jewish Community of Milan Celebrates Its 150th Anniversary

milan guastallaBy Francesca Matalon

It is time for celebrations for the Jewish Community of Milan, as 2016 marks the 150th anniversary since its foundation. The presidents Milo Hasbani and Raffaele Besso announced that the Community will be sharing this important moment …

FEATURES Venice Aims to Restore Shylock’s Ghetto

Ghetto VeneziaBy Tom Kington and Philip Willan*

Five hundred years after it was founded in Venice, Europe’s original Jewish ghetto is fighting to preserve its ancient synagogues as monuments to Jewish resilience — and as a warning about intolerance and …

FEATURES Remembrance: New Horizons ahead

debernardinBy Ada Treves*

Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin (in the picture with demographer Sergio Della Pergola), recently appointed Head of the Italian Delegation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, is resolute and full of energy. His name is not new to …

FEATURES A Surprising Italian Renaissance

traniBy Julie Carbonara*

Through the centuries, in spite of their meagre numbers, Italian Jews have had a huge impact on Italian life and on Judaism as a whole. Currently, Italian Judaism is undergoing a transformation, fuelled partly by the influx …

FEATURES Venice Commemorates the Establishment of the First Ghetto

veniceBy Rossella Tercatin

2016 marks the fifth-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the first ghetto in history, which was in Venice in 1516.
The Jewish Community of Venice, the city and the entire country are gearing up to commemorate the …