
“Protecting the memory of Holocaust is of public interest”

Themes of the stricter actuality of Italian Judaism were the object of an in-depth interview with President of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni featured on the Sunday edition of Il Sole 24 Ore, the main …

The effort of reading, the conquest of reading

By Guido Vitale*

The autobiography of philosopher Jean Paul Sartre (“Les Mots”, The Words) consists, as it is well known, of only two chapters. The title of the final part is “Writing”, and describes how one of the greatest …

Separated but together, Italy’s Jews
light Hanukkah candles

In Italy, as in the rest of the world, Hanukkah adapts for Covid-19 safety and moves on line. Although the Festival of lights looks vastly different in this time of pandemic and social distancing, the tradition of celebrating together however …

An Israeli team of experts helps Italy
contain Covid-19 spread

A team of Israeli medical experts landed in northern Italy, last week, to help a Piedmont district hospital to cope with a surge in Covid 19 patients. The delegation of 20 doctors and experts from Israel’s Sheba Medical Center in …

“Piazza Giudia”, the doc by Sergio Zavoli

“Piazza Giudia: la retata degli ebrei, 1943” by Sergio Zavoli, is one of the most fascinating documentaries about the dramatic day Roman Jews were rounded up by the SS in the Ghetto and deported to Auschwitz. Shot in 1963 and …

MEDIA ‘Carta canta’, a Commitment for Pagine Ebraiche

Carta cantaBy Ada Treves

There is an expression in Italian, that has a magic musicality and a deep meaning at the same time. “Carta canta” is one of those idioms that are difficult to translate without losing the many layers its …