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The Italian Union of Jewish Communities (UCEI) launches a campaign to collect donations following series of numerous earthquakes in the region of Northern Italy, causing casualties and widespread damage.

“The earthquakes had a magnitude of 6.0, crumbled roofs and Renaissance-era towers, according to Italian television reports. Large cracks riddled apartment blocks in dozens of towns like Ferrara, Mantua, Parma and Modena. And Italy’s national Civil Protection Department said that at least 3,000 people had been left homeless.”

The Jewish communities in the towns along with its members were affected by the occurrences. The earthquake severely damaged several major Jewish properties and it requires permanent reconstruction.

The community of Italy is trying to estimate the damages caused by the earthquake and to evaluate the cost. This estimation is difficult since new waves of earthquakes are happening and might be happening more in the future.

Thus, its population is vulnerable by these earthquakes the Jewish community of Italy granted 50000 euro dedicated to the population in general affected by the catastrophe. However, there is a need of appeal for assistance in providing funds for the rich Jewish heritage property that has been damaged and it could be destroyed if it is not restored.

UCEI anticipates that the immediate and long-term needs will be profound and is coordinating with its in-country representatives to respond as well.
Each community across Italy is opening accounts for recruitment of donations in order to help rescuing the heritage and secure maintenance of the Jewish property in Italy.

With this letter we would like to raise awareness of the unfortunate current situation in Italy and ask for any assistance if your organization could provide. Your assistance and thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated.

For more information’s about the damage and ways you could contribute, please contact the office of UCEI (Union of Italian Jewish Communities):

We would like to thank you in advance for your attention.

Dr. Giorgio Mortara

Donate now

Would you like to donate in order to help Italian Jewish Communities hit by the earthquake?

You can make a bank transfer directly to the bank account of every single Community:

Comunità ebraica di Ferrara: IT09F0615513000000000022715

Comunità ebraica di Mantova: IT19O0503411501000000022100

Comunità ebraica di Modena: IT55W0200812925000102122135

Comunità ebraica di Parma: IT82B0693065940000000001687