Qualcosa in cui sperare

calo livneSono sul taxi che mi conduce al prossimo convegno. Questa volta sarò ad Amman per un incontro della Federazione mondiale di donne per la pace.
Leggo i questionari compilati dai ragazzi dopo l’ultimo incontro trilaterale a Neve Shalom, dove si à rappresentato lo spettacolo “Beresheet” e sessanta ragazzi Giordani, Palestinesi e Israeliani hanno partecipato a workshops di educazione al dialogo. Venivano da Haifa, da Natania, da una Scuola al confine con Gaza, da Amman, da Ramallah e da Gerusalemme est.
A volte mi domandano se tutto questo ha un senso… se c’è ancora qualcosa in cui sperare.
Per ora ho letto solo i questionari dei ragazzi palestinesi… ecco alcuni passi…

The peer leadership conference has been an interest to me since our meeting Ramallah. I think this conference is very vital and important for both the Palestinians and the Israelis, this is because we are usually influenced by the media and by stereotypical assumptions that are based on negative experiences and encounters…

… I think this Conference will succeed in growing even more, and becoming worldwide. Every Conference I attended to I get to become more comfortable in socializing and have the courage to stand for what I believe in…

… I started to realize that I have judged them without knowing them at all. The big lesson I learned was not to judge a book by its cover. But to let yourself give anyone that you meet a chance, before you start judging him/her…

… I believe that if both sides are able to set aside their hate and be willing to actually listen to the other side then peace will be achievable but if the people are unwilling to cooperate then there is no hope for a better, more peaceful future…

Edna Angelica Calò Livne

(16 maggio 2014)